Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What Does Veins And Arteries Transmit

This de los Reyes, how does it work?

Today is a magical day, the Night of Kings and all who believe they have been good and want to receive gifts should go to bed early. Not before he left the shoe, some water for the camels and nougat and polvorones for the Kings.
While Santa takes a few years taking the lead with more force in our Christmas tradition, I have a feeling that the night of the Kings is more magical, preserving the illusion but my perception is without any foundation empirical.

this morning in the library have an intensive discussion with some of the children who were "parked" in the nursery: do you believe in Santa Claus? Before the classic, "Three Kings are the fathers," another child is deeply indignant and vehemently argued "how your parents are going to go through the houses around the world giving gifts."
When there are discussions of this magnitude in the nursery, young children often ask me if I do not know position as a casting vote or otherwise desampatar, "something I never do to give you more good atmosphere to debate. When asked in question, I answered that everyone believes what they want, but I have recommended to do the same as me and that in case they behave themselves and leave something to eat and drink, is not there and spend long from home.

bibliographic Another children's room anecdotes connected with the Kings, has been produced by the avalanche of letters to their majesties that we are receiving. For years, Christmas, City Hall puts us in the nursery a Royal Box where the children have their cards. Most know how the subject, but many of the children who come to the library have not heard of the Kings in his life as a young North African the neighborhood.
On Monday, some of them ran up to the room (he almost left the liver by mouth, the poor) in order to write the letter and put it into the mailbox, but first came to my table and asked me: "It's Kings, how it works I ask because last year I wrote the letter with all the presents he wanted, threw it to the mailbox, but then I got nothing. And I do not know if I wrote the wrong address or what happened. "

I was a bit confused because most children have heard bells ringing and did not know what to do. At the end I explained a little above, but I told him to ask what their parents who probably know better how this work. Better not get in depending on which sludge, but it made me hope that there still as innocent as children.

Anyway, Happy Twelfth Night! and if you can see the Parade of Santillana del Mar, do not miss it because it is magical. I could watch live for years and I still remember ...
And you, have you been good or receive coal?


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