Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Homemade Monitor Stand

Together, the new phenomenon

The new phenomenon of Montena reaches everywhere. The have had to do it or yes. Montena is betting very hard for this first part of the saga. If the move goes well, hopefully that will shake the translation / publication of the second part, we have to wait until the end of 2011.

And I want to appeal, bloggers of Madrid. Are you interested in the novel? Do you live close to Madrid? Want to attend the launch of Together, Ally Condie, with writer and blogger Javier Ruescas, actor Alex Martinez and the publisher of the novel?

You just have to go tomorrow to the FNAC Callao, at 17:15!

I'll be there with a bunch of blogger @ s more, go ahead. And you better say you come from Josu of books to read, won the contest because if they do there to "collect" more people, I will draw any of the books that come in the pack give away.

First in a trilogy published by some of the world's leading publishers, Penguin (USA), Fisher (Germany), Gallimard (France), Fazi (Italy), Goal (Brazil) ...

An amazing journey:
: Bring 5 weeks at the bestseller list ; New York Times: 4 reviews in the magazine Entertainment Weekly:: Amazon Book of the Month:: Book of the Month at WH Smith:: Book of the season for the American Association of Independent Booksellers

The critical, given: "A wonderful love story set in a world frighteningly perfect" ( Wall Street Journal).


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