Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wedding Shuttle Service Wording

MARTA of "Speech at school" hung a few days ago great news.
This is a new web (SONOWEBS) that makes available a component to insert in our blogs and give them voice and sound and reader facilitating accessibility to all those who have some type of visual problem .
"SonoWebs is a component that provides its own voice to any written notice on a Web or Blog ( WordPress, Blogger.).
In this way radically change the concept of Blog through its unique ability to read and bring the concept of listening of each News Blog . Allowing
and perform other tasks while we draw on information.
The system is the automatic creation of a sound file in MP3 for each story that the reader of the web can play instead of reading.
A primary objective of the project is to facilitate access to the vast amount of information present in the blogosphere people with vision problems. To do this we ask the cooperation of the bloggers.
By simply installing the Plugin, in several minutes dotaremos our Blog sound in each and every one of the entries in this. "


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